Welcome to St Mary-at-Latton Church in Harlow, Essex. We are a friendly, inclusive, Anglican Church (Church of England) and are liberal catholic in tradition. Everyone is welcome here, whatever your age, race, background or personal circumstances.

Check out our many activities for Young People, Children and Toddlers and keep an eye out for any new events.

We have regular services of worship throughout the week but also enjoy celebrating the festivals of the church calendar. These "Special Services" are often held in the evening and our next service is shown below.

We also have a busy social calendar here at Latton and details of our next event are also shown below.

We hold 2 services on a Sunday Morning. Our 10.00am Sung Eucharist and 11.30 am Family Service are both held in the church l.  Click here for more details,

You can now visit us on Facebook!

Would you like to become a Friend of Latton. Your support will help us to protect our beautiful church. Click here for more details,

St Mary-at-Latton is committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims/perpetrators of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults.

Our Parochial Church Council has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website.

Church of England Safeguarding Handbook

class=" textindent">Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives are Denise Woolcomb and William (Bill) McKenzie.

Denise can be contacted at church or by email  -   dwoolcomb@hotmail.co.uk

Bill can be contacted at church or by email -   bill.mckenzie@outlook.com

Please see our page on Safeguarding for further information 

Church interior  picture
Baptism picture
Church exterior picture


Our next Special Service

Please watch this space to find out about our next Special Servic.

Our next Social Event

Please watch this space to find out about our next Social Event.